Elite Roads Establishment
Elite Roads Establishment is a national establishment with international experiences working in the field of school management, consultations and offers many services related to the educational field. We have our own regional and international partnerships with many national and international corporates which enable us to offer all the services that any international school needs.

Our Objectives
Elite Roads Establishment aims at:
- Managing international schools in Saudi Arabia and giving them all the possible support through applying the best tools and strategies in developing action plans for achieving the best possible results.
- Establishing integrated partnerships with the international leading corporates in the area of education and training.
- Building partnership with investors and supporting them by facilitating the process of investment in education in Saudi Arabia which matches 2030 vision in Saudi Arabia.
- Promoting national and international schools and guiding them to achieve their quality and financial outcomes.
- Recruiting qualified team leaders and teachers to help applying the prescribed action plans to achieve the target out comes.
- Developing standards based curricula based on the the international standards and considering the Saudi Islamic and national cultures.
- Assisting school accreditation teams to get the local and international accreditation.
- Estimating international schools and helping investors to make successful acquisitions.
- Offering teachers’ training programs for enhancing teachers’ teaching competencies for achieving the target outcomes of the programs.
About Us
Our vision
We are working steadily to be the leading educational establishment in managing and supporting international schools in Saudi Arabia.
Our Mission
We are working ahead to support and qualify international schools in Saudi Arabia to achieve the best development in all aspects through applying the latest international standards and strategies in school management.
Our Philosophy and prospective
Elite Roads Establishment teams apply the latest solutions to specify the areas of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of schools and develop an action plan for each school depending on the findings we reach through these diagnostic tools. Elite Roads Est. experts analyses these findings and develop customized action plan for each school. This action plan includes specifying the administrative or technical supports and the procedures needed for developing these schools or institutes and achieving the target quality education and target financial outcomes. Elite Roads Establishment is also working ahead to have partnerships with investors in the sectors of education and training to achieve the best human and financial outcomes. Some of our partners are Elite Way International, Elite Pioneers company, Al Arqam Schools and Al Sadara Schools.
Elite Roads Establishment team:
- Elite Roads Establishment team consists of:
- A group of national and international curriculum consultants.
- Numbers of the most efficient managers of national and international managers.
- A group of the best subject coordinators from national and international schools.
- A group of the best specialized teachers in the area of international education.
- A group of the distinguished trainers in the different educational and technical fields.
- A team of business developers who are distinguished in developing action plans and using assessment tools.
- A team of facilitators who are able to assist investors in the school acquisition process and finalizing its procedures.
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